It’s finished!
It’s finally finished! Now this didn’t really require that much time or effort but it’s the first milestone towards completing this personal website.
What is finished exactly?
Well the basic blog area. A blog that I plan to update whenever I am starting a new project, updating some existing code or even when I have some thoughts about something related to the industry that I am in. I can’t guarantee any of this will be cohesive or that I will stick to the plan but for now - that’s the plan.
What is the plan moving forward?
Simple really. Keep going! I have a number of ideas of ways that I can improve the blog;
- Search functionality
- Filter (by title, date, author etc)
- Tags (tags already exist in the markdown but have not yet been implemented for anything functional)
- Social options (like, share, comment)
There’s just a few for now. I don’t want to overload the website with too much interaction, the main idea is that it is quick and perfomant for myself to get content live and for you guys reading it.
That’s all for now. Thanks for checking in